You'll probably want a box of tissues for this one
How do you cope with the loss of a young child? To most parents, the idea of saying goodbye to their kid would be unfathomable. Sadly, tragedy can strike at a moment’s notice and all we can do is be thankful for what we have once life’s delicate string has been cut.
For one father from the U.K., who’s 3-year-old son died last year from a brain disorder, coping with the harsh reality of losing his son is still tough a year later. Instead of taking his grief public however, he decided to channel his pain into inspiration. In a Facebook post that has now gone viral, he shares “The 10 Most Important Things I’ve Learnt Since Losing My Son.”
This dad’s heartbreaking reflection is a reminder to all of us how fragile human life is and how we need to be thankful for the short time we have with our loved ones here on this Earth…

Source: Facebook @Richard Pringle