The Internet at the Speed of Thought

These Terrifying Statistics That Will Change the Way You Look at Life

at6:13 pm | By

Is your skin crawling yet? How about now?

woman in bed with dust mites

Credit: George Marks/Getty Images (L)

For all you singles out there, think about it. You’re not alone when you go to bed every night — you’re sharing the space with 10 million of your closest friends!

Apparently you’re not even safe around adorable farm animals anymore.

pig swimming in ocean

Credit: Mark Kolbe (L) and Greg Wood (R)/Getty Images

Apparently, this is actually a thing people have to deal with. Pigs in the wild are omnivores, they hunt in packs, and their hunting methods include charging to induce blunt force trauma, pouncing with sharp hooves, and tearing with their front teeth. BABE, how could you?!

Oh, pigs don’t scare you? How about thousands of spiders in trees?

spider trees, japan tsunami

Source: Instagram @dimitrij1987

After the 2011 tsunami that devastated Japan, health experts predicted an outbreak of malaria from mosquitos, but the number of cases actually dropped during this period. The reason? When the water came in, all of the spiders climbed into trees and built giant super-spider webs and made spider babies, and when the water receded, hundreds of thousands of new spiders were there to take care of the mosquito population. Never thought I’d say this, but spiders rule!
