The Internet at the Speed of Thought

How MAGA Are You?

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“Make America Great Again” has become popularized in relation to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, but it’s been used by several other presidential candidates. Who was the first person to use it?


Ronald Reagan was the first president to use this phrase — in 1980, when Trump was 34.

Donald Trump has played himself in plenty of different movies throughout the years — which famous Christmas movie did he appear in?

Credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Donald Trump is in "Home Alone 2: Lost In New York", in one of his very own hotels!

With all those movie appearances, it's not surprising that Donald Trump has also racked up plenty of awards — good and bad. What year did he win a Razzie for the worst supporting actor?

Credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

It was 991 at the 11th Annual Rasberry Awards. Trump appeared in the movie 'Ghosts Can't Do It', which ended up with seven nominations at the fake awards show. Other Worst Supporting Actor winners include Brooke Shields in a mustache, O.J. Simpson, and Marlon Brando.

The Central Park Five was a case inn 1989 where five teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 were arrested and sentenced for the rape of a jogger and were later found innocent. At the time, Trump took out a full page advertisement in four of the major New York papers, stating that the death penalty should be brought back. Who is now making a movie about the incident?

Credit: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

Ava DuVernay is directing "When They See Us", a miniseries that will appear on Netflix later this year.

2016 wasn't the first time that Donald Trump threw his hat into the presidential ring — when did he first run for the office?

Credit:Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images

Back in 2000, 16 years before he won as a Republican, Donald Trump tried to run for president. He won the California presidential primary for the Reform Party.

Speaking of the 2000 election, Donald Trump had a pretty interesting pick for who he wanted to be his Vice President at the time. Now one of his greatest critics, in 2000 we almost saw which celebrity run alongside Trump as his VP?

Credit: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images

There's been plenty of buzz around a possible Oprah 2020 run, but if Trump had had it his way, it would have been a Trump / Oprah 2000 ticket. There's obviously bad blood now, as they've both criticized the other online and in speeches.

We all know that Donald Trump has taken a very serious stance on immigration since he took office. While it's well known that his wives have immigrated into the country, his mother also moved to America before Trump was born. Where was she from?

Credit: Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images

Donald Trump's mother, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, migrated from Scotland in 1930 and became a citizen of the United States in 1942.

Donald Trump isn't the only family member involved in politics! His sister, Maryanne, is a former Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Which president appointed her?


Maryanne was nominated by Ronald Reagan on September 14, 1983, to a seat on the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, but it was Bill Clinton that nominated her for the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. She was confirmed in 1999 and said she was "deeply honored and very grateful."

Fill in the blank! Donald Trump is the ____ and ___ president.

Credit: Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images

Donald Trump is both the oldest and wealthiest president to be elected for the first term in American history. At 70-years-old during his inauguration, he barely beat out Ronald Reagan, who was 69-year-old. He is also the wealthiest, as he is the first billionaire president in history.

The Trump brand has dipped into many industries over the year. While he's most famous for real estate, which of the following industry have they NOT gotten into?

Credit: Gregorio Binuya/Getty Images

Yes, Trump industries have played with vodka, ice cream, and restaurants over the years, but have never tried their hand in cars!

Fill in the tweet: “Despite the negative press ____”

Credit: A. and I. Kruk/Shutterstock

It's covfefe! Our new favorite drink, right?

If you’re on the internet, you know that Trump’s favorite way to spend his free time is on Twitter. So do you know what his number one most used word is online?

Source: Twitter @realdonaldtrump

While "America" is Trump's fourth most used word, "Jobs" is number three, and "Tax" is the second place runner up, "Fake" is the word that is seen the most of Trump's twitter.

Though widely mocked for his "covfefe" statement, Trump has used other "fake" words on twitter. But do you know what his percentage of "real words" is?

Credit: Twin Design/Shutterstock

Overall, Trump uses 93% real words — what catches him most is spelling errors, and who can't relate to that?

Donald Trump has been known for his distinctive hair style long before he became president. But do you know who actually cut the presidential 'do?

Credit: Chris Kleponis - Pool/Getty Images

In a 2004 "Playboy" interview, Donald Trump revealed that then-girlfriend Melania would cut his hair for him.

Trump once had the chance to buy a major football team, but decided not to because he thought it would be a bad investment. Which team did he turn down?

Credit: Otto Greule Jr/Stringer/Getty Images

Trump turned down the New England Patriots — six super bowls later, we feel like there might be some regrets about that one!

Donald Trump has had three wives — but are you confident that you know how many kids he has?

Credit: Larry Busacca/Getty Images

There are five kids in total: Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Baron.

Despite having sold vodka, Donald Trump claims that he has never drank alcohol in his life. Do you know why?

Credit: VTT Studio/Shutterstock

Donald Trump's brother, Fred Trump Jr., died in 1981 as a result of his ongoing alcoholism — Trump has avoided alcohol and cigarettes since.

The Trumps haven't always been the Trumps — when the family immigrated, they changed their name. Do you know what it was originally?

Credit: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

We have to admit, Donald Drumpf doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

How MAGA Are You?
Not Very Maga
You need to brush up on your Donald Trump facts!
Pretty MAGA
Okay, you probably own a Make America Great Again hat, but you could still use a brush up!
Okay, so you know your Donald Trump facts — but there's still room for improvement!
Super MAGA
You know an awesome amount about the president — you deserve a cup of covfefe to celebrate!

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