The Internet at the Speed of Thought

‘Do You Have to Tinkle?’ and Other Stuff Parents Say

at2:59 pm | By

“Do You Need to Go Potty?”

embarrassing parents go potty

Source: YouTube @Tripp and Tyler

Is it me, or did your parents only ask you this in public? Who ever invented the word “potty” anyway?

“What Did I Just Say?”

embarrassing parents what did i just say

Source: YouTube @Tripp and Tyler

The minutes your parents said “No,” you knew exactly what you wanted to do more than anything else: exactly the opposite of what they told you. Parents know this, however, so the often rhetorical “What did I just say?” becomes their biggest weapon against making sure you’re not ignoring them deliberately.

“Did You Brush?”

embarrassing parents did you brush

Source: YouTube @ Tripp and Tyler

But I don’t WANNA’ brush!
