The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Gross Jobs That Make Bank

at4:58 pm | By

Crime Scene Cleaners

crime scene cleaner

Source: Twitter @mcilwaso01

Don’t cry over spilt milk, or spilt blood and gore in this case. Professional cleaners employed to clean up nasty (and often scary) crime scenes can make over $75,000 a year. That might just be worth all the nightmares!

Garbage Collectors

dirty jobs garbage collector

Source: Twitter @EsssRaw

Even the smell of a garbage truck is enough to make me nauseated, but garbage collectors stand around it all morning. Between the long hours, exposure to the elements, and having to constantly deal with the smell, look, and feel of other people’s trash, this doesn’t sound like a job most people dream about. But garbage collectors can make over $50,000 a year. In New York City, some trash collectors even make over $140,000 annually.

Landfill Gas Operators

dirty jobs landfill gas operator

Source: Twitter @wsoctv

As if collecting the garbage weren’t bad enough, imagine working all day surrounded by mountains and valleys of trash. Landfill gas operators are tasked with safely removing the methane buildup at garbage dumps, and they spend all day surrounded by rodents and countless harmful bacteria. On the plus side, they can make well over six figures.
